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Linux Commands Cheat Sheet - Searching and Sorting

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This cheat sheet is aimed to assist you in finding files and content within files, as well as sorting data in various ways.

Command Description
find /path -name 'filename' Search for files or directories within a specified path that match the given filename.
find /path -type f -size +50M Find files larger than 50MB in a specific path.
grep 'pattern' file Search for all lines in a file that match a specified pattern.
grep -r 'pattern' /path Recursively search for a pattern within all files under a specified directory.
grep -v 'pattern' file Search for all lines that do not match the pattern.
grep -i 'pattern' file Perform a case-insensitive search.
awk '/pattern/ {action}' file Search for a pattern in a file using AWK and perform an action on matching lines.
sed -n '/pattern/p' file Search for a pattern in a file using SED and print the matching lines.
sort file Sort the lines of a file in alphabetical order.
sort -r file Sort the lines of a file in reverse order.
sort -n file Sort the lines of a file numerically (useful for sorting lines that start with numbers).
uniq file Filter out consecutive duplicate lines in a file. Typically used with sort to sort and then remove duplicates.
uniq -c file Prefix lines by the number of occurrences.
uniq -d file Only print duplicate lines.
comm -12 file1 file2 Compare two sorted files and print only the lines that appear in both files.
diff file1 file2 Compare files line by line and output the differences.
sdiff file1 file2 Side-by-side comparison of file contents.
locate filename Find files by name quickly using a database (updated with updatedb).
which command Locate a command and display its pathname or alias.
find /path -perm 755 Find files with specific permissions.
find /path -user username Find all files owned by a specific user.
cut -d':' -f1 file Cut out the first field of each line in a file, fields are delimited by :.

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