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Linux Commands Cheat Sheet - System Information & Management

Script Novice
Joined: 1 year ago
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Great idea making this sub-forum! Here is my contribution. My cheat sheet encompasses a broad spectrum of commands for retrieving system information and managing system resources.

Command Description
uname -a Display all available system information (kernel name, nodename, kernel release, kernel version, machine, processor, hardware platform, and operating system).
hostname Show the system's network name.
top Display an overview of currently running processes, including information on CPU and memory usage.
htop An interactive process viewer (similar to top) that is more user-friendly and allows for process management (requires installation on some distributions).
uptime Show how long the system has been running, including load average.
who Show who is logged in to the system.
w Display detailed information about the users currently on the machine, their processes, and system load.
last Show a listing of last logged in users.
df -h Display disk space usage for all mounted filesystems (-h for human-readable format).
du -sh directory Show the disk usage of a directory and its subdirectories (-s for summary and -h for human-readable format).
free -m Display the amount of free and used memory in the system (-m for output in megabytes).
vmstat Report virtual memory statistics.
iostat Display CPU and input/output statistics for devices and partitions (installation might be required).
netstat Show network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships.
ss An alternative to netstat that displays more detailed network statistics.
ip addr show Display all IP addresses associated with all network interfaces.
ifconfig Display the current network configuration for all interfaces (deprecated in favor of ip addr show in many distributions).
ps aux Show all running processes regardless of owner (a), with a user-oriented format (u), and show processes for all users (x).
kill pid Send a signal to a process, typically to stop the process, where pid is the Process ID.
killall processname Kill all processes with the given name.
systemctl start service Start a systemd service.
systemctl stop service Stop a systemd service.
systemctl restart service Restart a systemd service.
systemctl status service Show the current status of a systemd service.
systemctl enable service Enable a systemd service to start on boot.
systemctl disable service Disable a systemd service from starting on boot.
journalctl Query and display messages from the journal (systemd's logging system).
dmesg Display the kernel ring buffer messages, useful for diagnosing hardware and driver issues.
lsblk List information about all available or the specified block devices.
lscpu Display information about the CPU architecture.
lshw List hardware configuration of the system (installation might be required).
lsmod Show the status of modules in the Linux Kernel.
modprobe module Add or remove modules from the Linux Kernel.
