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[Solved] How to use the command line to customize my desktop environment?


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I'm curious about using the command line to tweak and configure my desktop environment. Does anyone have insights or tips on how to effectively use CLI tools for customization and configuration? Looking for advice or resources that can guide me through this process. Thanks!

6 Answers

The xfconf-query command is a game-changer for XFCE users. It provides a direct interface to XFCE's configuration database, allowing for detailed customization without needing a GUI. For example, changing your wallpaper can be as simple as xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/workspace0/last-image -s /path/to/your/wallpaper.jpg. This method is efficient and provides a deeper level of customization for those who prefer to work from the terminal.


You can start by exploring the gsettings command if you're using GNOME-based environments. It allows you to modify system settings such as themes, keyboard shortcuts, and more. For example, gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme "YourThemeName" changes your GTK theme.


For KDE users, kwriteconfig and kreadconfig are your friends. These commands let you change KDE settings directly. For instance, kwriteconfig5 --file kwinrc --group Windows --key BorderlessMaximizedWindows true can make all maximized windows borderless.


Don't overlook the power of shell scripts for customization. Writing a script that sets up your preferred environment (like wallpaper, theme, etc.) using various CLI tools can be a great way to get everything just right every time you log in.


Look into using feh for setting wallpapers in window manager-based setups like i3wm. It's not desktop environment specific but is an excellent example of how versatile command line tools can be. feh --bg-scale /path/to/wallpaper.jpg sets your background image and can be added to your startup script for automatic setup.

Topic starter

Thanks, everyone, for the insights! Sravan's reply, especially, opened up a new path for me to look into the XFCE environment. I'm will look into xfconf-query and see what else I can customize. It's exactly the kind of tool I was looking for. Appreciate the help!
