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[Solved] How to use the command line to interact with version control systems like Git?


Topic starter

Hi everyone, I'm looking to understand the basics of using the command line for interacting with version control systems, specifically Git. Could someone provide insights or tips on how to get started, including basic commands and workflows? Thanks in advance!

6 Answers

After initializing your repository, the next step is to start tracking files. You can add a file to the staging area with git add <filename>. To commit these changes to your repository, use git commit -m "Your commit message". Remember, commit messages should be meaningful to understand the changes made.


You can interact with Git from the command line quite easily once you grasp the basic commands. Start by installing Git on your system. Then, open your terminal or command prompt. To initialize a new Git repository, navigate to your project directory and use git init. This creates a new subdirectory named .git that houses all of your repository's data.


Version control is not just about tracking changes but also about collaboration. To collaborate with others, you'll need to understand how to work with remote repositories. Use git clone <repository URL> to clone a remote repository to your local machine. To pull changes from a remote repository, use git pull origin master, and to push your changes to the remote repository, use git push origin master.


Branching is a powerful feature in Git that lets you diverge from the main line of development and continue to work independently. To create a new branch, use git branch <branchname>. To switch between branches, use git checkout <branchname>. When you're ready to merge the changes back to the main branch, use git merge <branchname>.


Finally, it's crucial to keep an eye on the history and state of your repository. Use git status to see which files are staged, unstaged, or untracked. Use git log to see a history of commits. If you need to revert to a previous commit, use git revert <commitID>. With these commands, you can effectively manage your projects and collaborate with others using Git and the command line.

Topic starter

Thank you all for the detailed responses! I like explanation of initializing a repository, tracking and committing changes, working with remote repositories, branching, and monitoring the state of my project. I'm particularly excited to try out branching and see how it facilitates parallel development.
