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Linux Desktop Market Share Hits 4%: A New Era of Growth?

Byte Beginner
Joined: 12 months ago
Posts: 24
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Hey everyone,

I came across this article on Ars Technica that I thought was interesting and wanted to share with you all. According to the article, Linux has been steadily growing in popularity and has now reached 4% of the desktop market share.

The article cites data from StatCounter, which shows that Linux has been steadily gaining ground over the past few years, with a significant jump in usage in the past year. Additionally, the article notes that Linux is particularly popular among developers, with a survey from GitHub showing that 53% of developers use Linux as their primary operating system.

I thought this was interesting because it shows that Linux is gaining traction and becoming a more viable alternative to Windows and macOS. I know many of us here are Linux users, so it's great to see the OS gaining more mainstream acceptance.

What are your thoughts on this? Are you surprised by these numbers? Do you think Linux will continue to grow in popularity? Let me know in the comments!

