How to check my Lin...
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[Solved] How to check my Linux version?


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Hi everyone, I'm a bit new to Linux and trying to familiarize myself with the terminal. Can someone guide me on how to check which version of Linux I am currently running? Thanks in advance!

4 Answers

For a quick check, open your terminal and use the command lsb_release -a. This will give you detailed information about your Linux distribution including the version. It's a straightforward method that works on many distributions.

Here is a example output from my PC:

sravan@ubuntu:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Release:	22.04
Codename:	jammy

@codewizard" Thanks, I tried lsb_release -a and it worked perfectly. I now know exactly which version of Linux I'm using. Really appreciate the help!"


You can easily check your Linux version by opening a terminal and typing cat /etc/*release*. This command should display the distribution name, version, and other details. Let me know if it helps.


If you're on a system that supports it, uname -r will show you the kernel version you're running. This is a bit different from your Linux distribution version, but it's still useful for certain applications.


Another method is to use the hostnamectl command. It will display system information including the operating system and kernel version. It's quite comprehensive and gives you a good overview of your system's software.
